Declare Global Intersection Types for Transformed Supabase Data with Typescript

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TypeScript reduces runtime errors and makes code more maintainable. In this lesson, we use the Supabase CLI to introspect our PostgreSQL schema and generate TypeScript definitions.

Additionally, we resolve a collection of TypeScript errors and create a custom union type for our transformed tweets - making it globally available throughout our Next.js application.

Code Snippets

Custom type for TweetWithAuthor

type TweetWithAuthor = Tweet & {
  author: Profile;
  likes: number;
  user_has_liked_tweet: boolean;

Generate TypeScript definitions

npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id your-project-id > lib/database.types.ts


Jon Meyers
Jon Meyers(instructor)
~ 2 years ago

Correction: this is an intersection type, not a union! 🧠

Ika Pkhakadze
Ika Pkhakadze
~ a year ago

small suggestion: Supabase provides a helper type reference table row types: Tables<"tweets"> instead of DB["public"]["tables"]["tweets"]...