Create an About Us Page inside the Next.js 13 App Directory

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We'll cover the basics of building a new page in Next.js, specifically an "About Us" page. If you've used Next before, this will feel very similar to creating a new page in the pages directory.

While doing this we will also be introduced to some of the components that come with the template, such as the PageContainer, Main, Title, and Description components which you can check out in more detail here.

~ a year ago

One little problem folks might want to watch out for is that while the Next.js automatic inclusion of import statements is wonderful, it might make a mistake with "Main"; in my case, I didn't realize that Main component was set to be imported from "next/document" which led to errors. When I changed that line to "import Main from "@/components/Main" as in the video, everything was ok :)

~ a year ago

Question: any idea about revamping the client app and basing it on typescript instead of javascript?