Manually Sign Up New Users in React with AWS Amplify Auth Class

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In this lesson we’ll look at how we can use the Auth class directly create a custom user sign in & sign up flow.

Brendan Whiting
Brendan Whiting
~ 6 years ago

FYI there's a typo in the code provided below the video: <div class=className="App">. Should be just className.

Also, is there a reason we have snake_case phone_number but camelCase authenticationCode? Is that just a quirk the parameters aws-amplify requires?

~ 6 years ago

I think there is a typo here: <div class=className="App">

~ 5 years ago

If anyone is going to the Amazon console and not seeing a user pool in Amazon Cognito, even after following all the correct steps. It could be cause you are accessing the console from the wrong country/server. I am in London and had this problem, my console was set to Ohio, when it should have been on London. Click in the top right corner of the console to change, and now you should have access to the user pools.