1. 19
    Dockerize a Server-side Rendered (SSR) Astro Blog and Deploy to Fly.io
    7m 49s

Dockerize a Server-side Rendered (SSR) Astro Blog and Deploy to Fly.io

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By default Astro is building our site as statically generated (SSG). Because we want to add some runtime features to our blog and interface with a database in the future we need to convert it to be server-side rendered (SSR).

Astro has integrations for this, because we know we want to deploy to Fly.io via docker we'll use the Node.js integration and set the output to 'hybrid'. Hybrid, as opposed to 'server', will still statically generate the pages of our blog that are static but give us the option of SSR when we need it.

In this lesson we'll refactor our build to using docker and deploy to Fly.io