Initialize Firebase emulators in your app

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In this lesson you will learn how to set up the various Firebase emulators. You will also learn how to run the emulators and view the Emulator UI.

~ 3 years ago

It's not working on macOS Monterey Error: TIMEOUT: Port 8080 on localhost was not active within 60000ms

~ 3 years ago

To work around error you have to downgrade nodeJS to version 16 ref:

Jorge Vergara
Jorge Vergara(instructor)
~ 3 years ago

Hey there, yes, looks like an issue in node17.

One thing you can do is use nvm to manage different versions of nodejs, I was running node 14 (I think) when I recorded the course, but I just upgraded to 16 and re-ran it fine.

I'll try to see if there are workarounds for node17, thanks for letting me know