Render HTML Pages with Cloudflare Workers

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By updating the response body and setting a corresponding Content-Type header, we can render HTML pages from directly inside of our Cloudflare Workers function.

We will update our Cloudflare Worker to return a call to a template function that we define. That template function returns a string of HTML that we will render in the browser.

Mohammed Zeeshan
Mohammed Zeeshan
~ 3 years ago

I'm getting the following error, do you know why that might be? I am not connected to VPN, checked if i'm authenticated, etc but still i get this.

✨ Built successfully, built project size is 720 bytes. Error: Something went wrong with the request to Cloudflare... Authentication error [API code: 10000]

Mohammed Zeeshan
Mohammed Zeeshan
~ 3 years ago

Never mind. It was a typo in the account_id